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Halloween on the Hip Strip

Juliet Ostermeyer brings back Nefertiti after 300 years. Here she is picture perfect at the Groovy Grouper Halloween party last Saturday night.

ON SATURDAY, October 28, the laughter of hundreds echoed from Groovy Grouper Doctor's Cave Beach, lending an eerie Halloween feeling to Montego Bay's hip Strip.

From as early as 10:00 p.m. the trendy nightspot called Gloucester Avenue had cars queued from as far as the Decameron Hotel to the Aquasol Beach Park, while Montegonians walked the strip in their most exotic and scariest costumes.

Although Hospitality Jamaica could not be at all events on this night, this publication opted to visit Jamaica's 'Hamptons on the Beach', hosted by the elites of Montego Bay.

Dressed in white décor replicating a Miami South Beach setting, the Groovy crew decided to mix-in with deep lavender draperies and a giant-sized 'witches brew pot' accompanied by age-old rustic tumble drums.


Gigantic white beds were seen saddled on the beach with tiki torches and witch servers, queens and devils, ghouls and superheroes mingled throughout the night, simply saying that the "the gods had gone crazy!"

The popular martini bar served the night's themed 'bloody eye ball martini', which contributed to much of the laughter, with devils kissing angels and Batman and Julius Caesar doing what would be considered a 'time clash'.

To say Halloween was great would be an understatement. Halloween at Groovy Grouper was fantastic, spine tingling and excitingly orgasmic.

Ray Therrien and Ann Chang of Fontana Pharmacy sport Superman and Wonderwoman costumes at the Groovy Grouper Halloween party last Saturday night. Gypsy girl, Paula Byles; waitress, Candace Hart and biker Sheilagh Jardim dressed to party all night at Groovy Grouper's Halloween party.
Mark Hart dressed as Hugh Hefner and Brian Jardim the superhero Batman pose for the cameras during Groovy Groupers Halloween party last Saturday night.



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