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Optimism for winter season

'It is amazing the many repeat guests that we're benefiting from, these people really love our tourism product.'

Rayon Dyer, Hospitality Jamaica Writer

DESPITE INFRASTRUCTURAL problems in dire need of attention, south coast hoteliers are predicting a good winter tourist season.

Roads, buildings and water supply are chief among the items, which they say need immediate attention or improvement.

Visitors hang out at Jake's in St. Elizabeth.

"I know what the tourists are looking for when they come to vacation in our country and that's why it is important that adequate infrastructure be put in place," hotelier and board member of the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), Jason Henzell told Hospitality Jamaica.

Mr. Henzell said infrastructure of Treasure Beach and surrounding areas are really in need of some attention and the authorities should take some interest in this.

He said, based on the number of calls that the area has been receiving from travel agents, he expected the 2005/2006 winter tourist season to be a very good one.

According to him, the hotels will also benefit from a great deal of repeat guests, as the majority of the visitors from Europe and North America have come to call properties on the island's south coast their home away from home.

He explained that for his property, Jakes, he recorded 85 per cent occupancy this last season and projections point towards an 88 per cent, or a three per cent increase in business.

"The environment we operate in will determine how successful our businesses will be," he added.


Corey South, managing director of Sunset Resort, said he was looking forward to a great winter tourist season as the response from the European, North American and the French markets have been overwhelming. Mr. South noted that his 14-room property was expecting an 80 per cent occupancy level throughout the season.

"It is amazing the many repeat guests that we're benefiting from, these people really love our tourism product ... the south coast has a reputation for zero tourist harassment and this is one of the contributors to the reason why visitors love to come to the properties on the south," he said.

Commenting on the general infrastructure of the tourism district, Mr. South said that if the hotel looked and offered good service and the roads that lead to the property were in a state of disrepair, this did not spell sense for the businesses, "and neither will it encourage visitors to enjoy the best of what our country has to offer".

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