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Sports & Tourism

Benefits of sports to tourism in the Caribbean

Carole Beckford, Contributor

Sports and Tourism have a major socio-economic impact, appreciated in most civilian societies and increasingly recognised by governments. - World Tourism Organisation Introductory Report on Sport Tourism 2007.

The fourth World Conference on tourism and sport was held this year under the theme 'Sport - a driving force for tourism development' and in the World Summit on Climate Change to take place in Switzerland in October 2007, one of the major topics to be discussed is "quadrupling the bottom line; sustainability in tourism and sport."

The international bodies have long realised the value of sport to tourism and the money it will and can take into respective countries. We want that kind of message to be translated into developing countries, specifically Jamaica.


Jamaica should therefore decide to host major sporting events in the future only on the following bases:

1. To ensure the continuing economic and lifestyle values for local communities.

2. The importance of building both quality and sustainability standards to meet all patrons' (locally and internationally) expectations and to make use of current facilities and infrastructure.

3. The intense global media and Internet exposure that can affect a country's tourism competitiveness, its visitor appeal and its entire international image.

4. The increasing public interest and the specific interest around travel to major sporting events.

When we are able to achieve all four of the objectives listed above then we are good to go.

"Politics is a contact sport." - Anonymous.

Anthony F. Harris a writer form Iowa once said "when sports and politics mix, it takes the ugliness that's rampant in the real world and drags it into a realm that was once about leisure and competition. Why then shouldn't more people follow sport?

Some comments from readers - Politics and Sport (published June 13, 2007).

"Sport in Jamaica epitomises politics - look at what is happening in football." - Dave from Montego Bay.

"If the governments would take sport as a serious activity to get youngsters off the street, we would have less boys involved in crime in Jamaica." - Karen from Hanover.

"I wish we had the will to really focus on sport as a sector which can turn around some of our social challenges in Jamaica." - older reader from Montego Bay.

"We just need to figure out to how to get the Trelawny Multi Purpose facility, Sabina Park and the National Stadium used more often, so we can pay back the loan we took." - Mark from Kingston.

Note: Jamaica Trade and Invest (JTI) participated in an exhibition in London (broadcast live) from June 19 to 21. The booth was one of the most visited. Why? People are still enamored with the allure and captivating nature of the island and its locations. Cyprus' tagline was "300 days of sunrise". Eastbourne's tagline was "the sunniest place in the UK"; but Jamaica's tagline "the place you have always wanted to visit, is the place you want to do business." The rest is up to you!

See you in July!

Send feedback to; cubeckford@gmail.com

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