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Case of the missing toilet seats

The Editor:

I just returned to Jamaica from a visit to the United States and I am concerned about not yet having received any response from the Sangster International Airport regarding the comments I made on the airport's questionnaire handed out to outgoing travellers.

My comments were: While in the new wing of the Sangster transit hall on April 3, awaiting the departure of my flight, I paid a visit to the men's restroom (near the Jamaica Bobsleigh restaurant) when, as I opened the door to one of the toilets, I noticed that it had no seat (plastic and lid). Proceeding down the row of toilets, I found with dismay that three of the total five units were without seats.

miserable conditions

At this point, two tourists (one on crutches) each entered one of each unit, apparently without noticing the miserable conditions. I proceeded to the men's room further down the hall which seemed better furnished (albeit all the soap dispensers were empty).

I subsequently went to the information counter and reported the missing seats to the attendant who, while writing, promised to forward my complaint to the appropriate party. On the way back to the hall, I found one of the janitors and told her of the three faulty units; she, too, said she would report them.

Feeling that I had done my duty, I proceeded to find a seat, when the attendant from the information counter saw me and handed me a copy of the airport's questionnaire, which she was distributing. At the bottom of the form, it was suggested that the writer filled in his/her address or email address, "because the airport is most interested in letting you know how it progresses", it says. I wrote my email address in the space provided.


While airports worldwide experience all sorts of things disappearing or being removed by travellers, it is hard to believe that this trend should have widened to include removing toilet seats. It is more likely that these seats broke off, and that the janitors swept away the remains. Having had no training in reporting (I believe), a report was not done to the appropriate authorities.

Having heard nothing from the Sangster International Airport in response to my comments almost four weeks ago, I am worried that nothing has happened yet. It would please me much to learn from the airport operators that the seats and lids have been replaced, and that a scandalous matter like this will be attended to swiftly in the future.

After all, the appearances and functions of the departure halls of our airports are about the last impressions Jamaica gives to her tourists.

I am, etc.,
Claus C. Petri (Mr)

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