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Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett |
Protocols for managing novel coronavirus
AT THIS time, the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOH) has reported that there are now eight (12) confirmed cases of the coronavirus (covid-19) in Jamaica. The following measures should be adopted by all tourism entities to prevent the spread of covid-19. We encourage continuous monitoring of the advisories issued by the Ministry of Health and Wellness. This document will be updated periodically as more information becomes available.
All Stakeholders Each tourism entity is to establish a covid-19 Coordinator who will be the point of contact with the Ministry of Health and Wellness and Ministry of Tourism. The covid-19 Coordinator should keep abreast of health protocols and preventive measures. Each entity should maintain communication with booking agencies to ensure that information on travel precautionary measures are observed. Ensure that all contact surfaces are cleaned on a regularly with clean cloth and sanitising solution, for example, doorknobs, handles, rails. Ensure service staff use proper protective gear when cleaning guest rooms/common areas while observing proper sanitary practices.
Ensure single-use gloves are worn while conducting any sanitary cleaning procedures. Discard torn gloves in a garbage receptacle, wash hands thoroughly and replace with a fresh pair. Minimise personal contact and avoid hugging and shaking hands. Wash hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching face – nose, eyes, mouth. Cover mouths and noses with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and then discard tissue after use. Persons who work in the receivals or high contact areas are required to wear gloves.
Employees Maintain a distance of at least one (1) metre from persons who are coughing or sneezing. Contact first aid station while on duty if having any respiratory symptoms. If at home, see your personal doctor as soon as possible. All employees are to exercise good hand hygienic practices by using alcohol-based sanitisers and/or liquid soap with frequent handwashing for 20 seconds. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing, sneezing and/or runny nose.
If you observe a co-worker or guest with respiratory symptoms, please report this to your Supervisor or Manager for their follow up. Upon being advised, the Supervisor or Manager should isolate the employee or guest and immediately notify the Medical Officer of Health for the parish.
I. All arriving flights must be Advance Passenger Information System (APIS) compliant – this allows the Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) and the Airport to receive and interrogate the flight manifest for possible high-risk passengers. Non-APIS compliant flights or airlines should be notified that their passengers will be either subjected to MOH pre-screening or ultimately have their service denied entry.
II. All attempts should be deployed to encourage all inbound passengers to complete the online C5 forms before boarding.
This serves several good purposes in this period – (a) it allows PICA one more prescreening point for the passengers before arrival (b), reduces the wait or congregation time in the immigration hall.
III. Any passenger aboard the flight who has travelled to and from any of the listed high-risk countries or regions may be subjected to either being refused entry by PICA or to be subjected to be tested by the MOH officials or quarantined for a minimum period of fourteen (14) days.
Non-nationals from countries of restricted travel will be denied entry.
IV. The MOH reserves the right to deny arrival of the entire flight as they see fit.
V. Quarantine stations (located in the incoming immigration hall) which facilitates a constant presence of public health nurses should be implemented. Passengers with a suspect travel history or showing signs or systems will be quarantined and transported to an off sight MOH facility.
VI. All airport staff facing passengers must be adequately equipped with protective gear.
VII. All passengers may be subjected to thermal scanning by public health officials to detect high body temperature.
I. If the guest comes to the Nurses/First Aid station meeting the case profile for coronavirus (high temperature, malaise et cetera) then the duty personnel should immediately isolate the guest. Isolation should be preferable in an enclosed space close to the nurse’s station. The MOH is to be immediately notified to remove the guest.
II. During the quarantine period, it is important that staff take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. Staff should avoid close contact with these guests unless duly authorised by a trained medical professional. The MOH will provide additional guidance.
III. Accommodation Nurse/First Aid staff to take all necessary precautions to protect themselves as it relates to a suspected case.
IV. If the guest falls ill or requests assistance from their room, the guest should be isolated in-room. Companions travelling with the affected person(s) should also be isolated until the Public Health officials arrive on property. |