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MoBay Expo: Gleaner's Adult Spelling Bee

Denise Reid, Freelance Writer

The MoBay Expo kicks off on Friday October 19 and runs through to the Sunday, October 21.

On day two, this Saturday, The Gleaner will spice up the event with its seventh Annual Adult Spelling Bee competition.

The Gleaner Company is a sponsor of the annual Children's Own Spelling Bee Competition at the parish, national and international levels, and, in an attempt to introduce "something different" that would grab the attention of adults and children alike, the newspaper decided to host an adult edition.

Manager of The Gleaner's Western Bureau, Shernett Robinson, stated, "The children have already shown they can spell, so we wanted to test the adults. It is also a means of sensitising readers to the issue of Spelling Bee among children. For example, we use the same book that is used for the children to test the adults.

"The response has been overwhelming", continued Robinson, "It is an activity that had participants and spectators engaged. Many of the adults were once involved in the Spelling Bee and proved to be excellent spellers in their own right. They took the competition seriously and won good prizes."

Adults and children are encouraged to go out to Mobay Expo as great prizes and a great time are promised. Robinson declared, "Persons will have fun and will remember the good old days."


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