Point of Interest


Patterson to receive Distinguished Service Award


PRIME MINISTER of Jamaica P.J. Patterson is to be the first recipient of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation's (CTO) Distinguished Service Award, the regional tourism development agency has announced.

Mr. Patterson will be presented with the award at the 32nd annual governments of the Caribbean State Ball on Friday, June 3 at New York's Waldorf Astoria.

The CTO introduced the award this year to honour and recognise people who have distinguished themselves in their service to the Caribbean's tourism industry. "Prime Minister Patterson is being honoured with this award for his many years of service to the promotion of the Caribbean as the world's premier warm weather tourism destination," said Pamela C. Richards, commissioner of tourism for the U.S. Virgin Islands and chairman of CTO.

"As a former Minister of Tourism and a long-serving Prime Minister, Mr. Patterson has championed the tourism attributes of the Caribbean at many international forums," added Ms. Richards.


P.J. Patterson

Mr. Patterson, a lawyer, has utilised his legal and negotiating skills in the international arena, especially as one of the leading architects of the Lomé Convention between the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of countries and the European Union, first signed in 1975.

Caribbean tourism benefited significantly from the agreement with the CTO being the major implementer of tourism programmes funded by the European Union. These include human resource development, research and marketing, including the Caribbean Village at various tourism trade shows in Europe. The Prime Minister's association with the sector coincided with the beginning of his Cabinet career some 33 years ago when he was appointed as Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism in 1972.


From his early days as a Cabinet Minister, Mr. Patterson established himself as an extraordinary advocate for developing sub-sectors including entertainment, film and ground transportation, that impact on the tourism product. Under his watch, the travel industry in Jamaica continues to enjoy the most attractive incentives. He also introduced measures to improve the tourism product, including the Resort Patrol Programme.

The tourism product has been diversified with cruise shipping and eco and sports tourism playing a more integral role in the product offering. The deve-lopment of the honeymoon market, European market and groups and conventions market are ensuring the sustainability of the industry.


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