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Tourism interests oppose refinery

"WE DON'T want anything incompatible with tourism in that area and we wish they would really find somewhere else," a concerned Godfrey Dyer, president of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association, said.

It does not take last year's blast at Petrojam to serve as a stark reminder of the nature of oil-related industrial accidents, and the concern is even more grave when considering an asset as priceless as
picturesque Font Hill. read more

The Costline of Bluefields
ALMOST TWO months overdue, complaints regarding the start of construction of the Lucea Cruise Shipping Terminal have surfaced from the Hanover Parish Council and the Hanover Chamber of Commerce.
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SHE READILY serves a bottle of WATA and with a good-natured smile adds, "I've been hearing about a plan to build an oil refinery here since I was a child
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WITH MUCH more than a 'new attitude', fabulous at 50 ­ Claudette Miller surrounded herself with her revue of young talented performers and worked 'hard for her money' setting the roof on fire at Hedonism II
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AT A recent election attended by several stakeholders in the tourist industry, Evelyn Smith, one of Jamaica's leading marketing executives, was elected area chairperson of the Negril chapter
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