Leonard Henry new general manager of
Couples Ocho Rios
GLENN A. Lawrence, chief executive officer of Couples Resorts,
is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Leonard Henry as general
manager of the Couples Ocho Rios Hotel, a member of the Couples
Resort chain of hotels which includes Couples Negril, Couples Swept
Away and, its most recent acquisition, Couples Sans Souci.
Leonard has extensive experience in the service industry, particularly
in the area of hotel management, having served with a number of
highly rated hotels, including the Round Hill Hotel for six years.
Leonard began his career in the industry at Couples Ocho Rios in
1987 and re-joined the Hotel as operations manager in 2003. He is
a past student of Tacky Secondary School and the Jamaica Institute
of Management.
He enjoys playing tennis and also lists watching cricket, growing
orchids and reading non-fictional literature among his hobbies and