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Welcome partnership

I AM pleased to extend congratulatory greetings to the Embassy of Spain and Spanish nationals resident in Jamaica as you celebrate the National Day of Spain.

Jamaica and Spain have enjoyed good diplomatic relations since 1966, and we look forward to a deepening of those relations at the bilateral and multilateral levels.

The investment in our tourism sector by Spanish hotel chains and the construction of over 10,000 new hotel rooms provides an opportunity for the strengthening of the relationship between our two countries. The expansion of the tourism sector as a result of these investments, will lead to an increase in employment opportunities for Jamaicans. The linkages to other sectors such as agriculture should also greatly expand economic activity across the country.

Jamaicans welcomes this partnership with our Spanish counterparts and the opportunity it will afford us to share our beautiful island with visitors from Spain and across Europe.

On behalf of all Jamaicans, please accept best wishes as you celebrate your National Day.

Prime Minister


Cultural encounter

THE 12TH of October is the National Day of Spain and this year is the 513th anniversary of the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the coast of America, then called Hispaniola.

All across the American hemisphere, this day is celebrated with different names, for example, Columbus Day in New York, and Feast of the Hispanity in Argentina.

But, apart from futile historic polemics, the 12th of October must be re-celebrated as the day of cultural encounter between the two main Western continents ­ Europe and the Americas ­ the day of a common history, of more than five centuries of fruitful exchange in agriculture, economics, culture, religion and education.

In these days, where globalisation is the watchword, we have historical examples of how humanity tries to overcome barriers and expand into other territories.

The history of Jamaica-Spain relations is one of the oldest. the Spaniards stayed in Jamaica 150 years and gave names to many towns, rivers and buildings throughout the country. This year's October 12 celebrations will no doubt be marked not by the past but more by the future.

Based on the historical ties between our two countries, the current and future cooperation in all fields is impressive.

Ambassador of Spain


Ties dating back 500 years

I AM pleased to join in the commemoration of the National Day of the Kingdom of Spain. On behalf of the Government and people of Jamaica, I extend warmest greetings to the Spanish royal family and the government and people of Spain. I also extend best wishes to our partners in the Spanish private sector, who continue to play such an important role in the efforts of the Government of Jamaica to achieve economic development and national progress.

It is of special significance that the ties between the island of Jamaica and Spain date back over 500 years. Place names such as Spanish Town, Ocho Rios and Santa Cruz, as well as the grid-like layout of the Old Capital, Spanish Town, bear historic testimony to the significant contribution that Spain has long made to the shaping of our nation. Most importantly, Jamaica's relationship with Spain has evolved into one of mutual respect and common advantage. This is best reflected by the collaboration between our two countries at the multilateral level, as well as through the economic, cultural and technical cooperation enjoyed at the bilateral level.

On this auspicious occasion, I wish the Kingdom of Spain peace and prosperity, and may the strong bonds of friendship and active bilateral cooperation, which already exist between Jamaica and Spain, continue to grow and be strengthened.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade

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